viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

¿Qué hago con un google maps?

Se pueden hacer muchas cosas. Por ejemplo, puedes hacer un ejercicio colaborativo en el que los alumnos marquen los lugares donde se encuentran monumentos romanos y neoclásicos.
O contar un mito y que los alumnos vayan averigüando dónde sucedió el siguiente capítulo...

Where is the Jupiter's cup? First ACT

Are you ready to participate in the contest of this season???

What will be the winning school this year?

Place on our google map the right place and win one point.

Come on! It's the oportunity to show your incredible wisdom!

The History: First Act

As you know, Jupiter has fallen in love with Europe, a beatiful and foenician woman of high lineage. So he has decided to seduce her. For that, when Europe and her female attendants were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Jupiter has made use of this opportunity and has runned to the sea and swum, with her on his back to ... Where?

Activity: You have to insert a point mark on our google map, just where the picture has been taken and comment in this entry your answer. Ok?

The contest starts in three seconds, two, one... zero!

Ver SLM: Where is the Jupiter's cup? en un mapa más grande

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