domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Geocaching con una frase latina

En nuestro Grupo Comenius queremos que los alumnos participen en una actividad común. Y esto es lo que ha salido:

Well, It's time to work together again , isn't it? so we, teachers, are proposing a new (and funny) activity: Geocaching!!!

Please, pay attention:
  • First of all, Introduce you writing on the wall of pupils from other countries. You have to make a team with pupils from Catania, Bari, Yalova, Oettingen and Montijo.
  • Secondly, look for a GPS. You will need it! In these coordinates you will find an inscription (or similar). Follow the instructions and get the LATIN WORD:
41 7 32.4 N
16 52 4,1 E
  • Pupils have to guess the first letter!
  • 12nd word, 2nd letter
  • 4th word, 3rd letter
48 Grad 57' 14,84'' N
10 Grad 36' 17,47'' E
·       line 1,  letter 4
·       line 12, letter 1
·       line 6,  letter 24
·       line 2,  letter 1
·       line 7,  letter 5
·       line 11, letter 4
·       line 13, letter 8

40º 39' 28.37" N
29º 16' 13.74" E
  • 6th word 3rd letter
  • 4th word 1st letter
  • 5th word 6th letter
  • 3th word 9th letter
  • 3th word 2nd letter
  • 5th word 1st letter

N 37° 49'  91.97"
E 15° 08' 44.22"
  • 2nd letter first line
  • 4th letter first line
  • 11th letter sixth line
  • 9th letter third line
  • 12th letter second line
  • 3rd letter second line
  • 7th letter first line

N 38º 54. 505'
W 6º 36. 988' .

·     15th word: 4th letter.
·     3rd word: 1st letter.
·     11th word: 2nd letter.
·     2nd word: 1st letter.
·     1st word: 1st letter.
·     10th word: 4th letter
·     8th word: 2nd letter
·     10th word: 4th letter
·     15th word 1st letter
  • Then, the group have to join these words and  form a Latin saying
  • Finally, the group have to translate the phrase into English. Among all you have to do a presentation with the Latin sentence and the English translation. And, why not, a picture of any of our meetings...
You can use Google Docs, Calaméo, Animoto, etc.

Who will be the first team to upload the presentation on the blog?

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